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Mr. Dave Rush
Welcome Back!! My name is Dave Rush and I am the PE teacher here at Visitation Catholic Grade School. This is my 3rd year here at Vis and my 22nd year teaching overall. I love Physical Education and think that movement with a purpose and motivation in Elementary PE leads to a lifetime of healthy activities.

Physical Education

Gym Class Curriculum



My curriculum is broken down into 3 areas of content:


K-2  movement education with an emphasis on loco-motor skills and cooperative learning.  Lots of games, repetitive body movements for muscle memory, and building a love for moving.


3-4  gross motor skills, and fine motor development get us ready for individual and team sports.  We start using fitness assessments so we can see how we have grown stronger and faster as we have gotten older.


5-8  we are ready for the big time.  Cardio work-outs and flexibility assessments are mixed in with the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness Testing battery.  We rotate individual sports, team sports, and lifetime leisure sports into our rotations for a good overall mix of activities.  


    I encourage you to discuss what activities are going on in PE with your child and get out there with them and play along after school is out.  Let me know if I can help out with any activities your children have going on.  I love to hear about all their successes outside of school.




First Semester Agenda for 3-8


Shuttle Run

Sit up  work and testing





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